Monday, April 13, 2009

April Newness

I'm late with posting my newness, as usual - but, its better late than never, right? But, this time I have quite a large release for you guys! :D A new picks rewards for the month of April, a new pose set, and a total of FIVE new couple's poses!

The picks rewards this month are 2 Fairy Poses. I was inspired by the outfit, and I think they turned out pretty well. Just put Imperial Elegance in your picks, wait up to 24 hours, come back to the store and click the sign. If you still have IE in your picks from a previous rewards, just come in and poke at the sign to get your gift. ^^

I've made a gift for the Bunny Hop Gridwide Hunt as well (which, only has a few days left). My store is number #243, but you don't have to go in order. Just pop into my store, look for the egg, and buy it for $0L. You can also grab the starter egg near the TP point if you want to go through all 300 stores in the hunt. ^^

The new pose set is - Balance Poses, for jumping pictures and the like.

The five new couple's poses. I've been hoarding these for a couple of weeks to make one giant release. :D

Have a great April!

Imperial Elegance, Glenn (158, 219, 27) | XStreetSL | Flickr

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