I am so bad with blogging new stuffs! *kicks self in butt* -.- Anyway, once again, this is the past 2 weeks worth of stuff combined into one post.

Today, omg. I'm actually releasing a pose set made for the mens! :D Most of these poses can also work for females avatars as well, so don't feel too shy to try them out as well, ladies. ^.^
So, for all you men out there - come check them out! And for the women looking to get their guys a little gift.... remember - I do have gift cards available for in the store! ^.^

Mermaid poses. I am not entirely satisfied with these poses, but am exhausted with trying to fix them, so I have lowered the price with these. Instead of $50L each, these will be $25L each, with the whole pack of them being only $250L.

Next, I am very excited about these ones. I think these are probably the best poses I've ever made, and they were such a blast to make. :D Poses with Guns! I want to start using props for my poses, so these are the start of prop poses.

And, since I had so much fun with the gunslinger poses, I even found myself making more than just 12 to put in the pack. I ended up making a total of 15. O.o;;; So, I put the extra three (which includes my favorite pose from this set) in a pack to sell for $10L. You can find these on the board next to the vendor. ^.^

I created a 13th pose for the Proud Male series, but didn't have room for it in the pack... so I am offering it as a $1L item for a limited time. Its a bit goofy (and my boxing friend would probably scold me in 60 different ways the form is off), but I think it will end up in one of the next pose packs I have lined up. So, get it now while its (almost) free. And, I have tested it on a female avatar - it still looks good on us girls, so don't worry. :D You can find this next to the male pose vendor - on the easel. ^.^
And omg - my update group has reached over 500 members! When I started one, I had no idea it would grow that big. ^.^ *has a huggle-fest with all the precious group members* :P
In-World Location: -= Imperial Elegance =-, Glenn (158, 219, 27)